
Unredacted document reveals mega polytechnic Te Pūkenga

requested $330m from Government

An error has revealed that mega polytechnic Te Pūkenga has asked the government for $330 million in this year's budget.

The figure was among several paragraphs marked for deletion in a ministerial briefing from February published recently by the Ministry of Education.

One of the undeleted sections said Te Pūkenga's work to combine polytechnic and work-based training would cost nearly $423m.

It said the institute had asked for $330m, most of it for IT infrastructure crucial to its change programme.

It said the money could be provided in part or in full through a low or no-interest Crown loan.

The document also showed the government was working on major changes to the way wānanga were governed and held accountable for the funding they receive.

It described the work as a high priority.

Link to video and article: Unredacted document reveals mega polytechnic Te Pūkenga requested $330m from Government | Newshub


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