
Ngāti Pūkenga

launches digital history of their iwi

Ngāti Pūkenga have launched a digital history of their iwi, from the first arrival of their tīpuna in Aotearoa, all the way through their Treaty Settlement to the present day.

The stories were launched yesterday to coincide with the iwi's Hui Ahurei, and feature 27 videos and 10 podcasts showcasing the history of each Ngāti Pukenga kāinga.

They are told through the kōrero of their descendants, and featuring interviews with iwi leaders and key members involved in treaty negotiations.

The four kāinga of Ngāti Pūkenga are Maketū in the Bay of Plenty, Ngāpeke near Tauranga, Manaia on the Coromandel Peninsular and Pakikaikutu near Whangārei.

Link to article: Ngāti Pūkenga launches digital history of their iwi | RNZ News


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