
Retirees are "suffering in silence"

as the cost-of-living struggles continue to bite, according to Age Concern.

Around 40% of retired New Zealanders have to get by on their pension alone – a maximum of $496.37 a week for a single person living alone.

Unlike previous generations, many don't own their own homes. To balance the budget in a cost-of-living crisis, something inevitably must give.

Age Concern chief executive Karen Billings-Jensen told Breakfast while last night’s Sunday story on retirees struggling to make ends meet “would have been quite shocking for a lot of people".

She said "it is the reality that we see quite often”. Her major concern is around "those that are suffering in silence".

Link to video and article: Retirees 'suffering in silence' as rising cost of living continues to bite (1news.co.nz)


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