

COVID-19 is serious for Aotearoa. It has the potential to have a serious impact on Māori across the country.

"We are still operating under the fallacy that one size fits all.

A national programme, while necessary, will exacerbate health inequities.

While things are being done for the general population, they don't have an equity lens, which is essential from the beginning."

- Professor Papaarangi Reid
As tangata whenua, it’s important that Māori have access to tailored and relevant information, resources and practical guidance and advice on how to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. 

COVID-19 Advice for Māori provides practical advice and guidance to whānau Māori, marae, hapū, iwi and Māori Health Practitioners to keep whānau safe.

Developed by Te Rōpū Whakakaupapa Urutā, our information will be updated regularly as required.

You can trust that the information we provide, is accurate, relevant, evidence-based and developed by Māori health experts, for whānau Māori.
Visit the website: https://www.uruta.maori.nz/


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