Tūhoe's response to Covid-19
Ngāi Tūhoe is coming through the Covid-19 crisis with a much stronger sense of mana motuhake, says Tāmati Kruger, chair of the iwi who are guardians of the Te Urewera mountains and land to the north in the eastern Bay of Plenty.
“It is the capacity to be self-reliant, to provide care and support to each other. That proves the value and the worth of the iwi because essentially an iwi is a kinship organisation. Without hesitation I say to you, this crisis has been the best opportunity to exhibit the power of mana motuhake, the relevance of it.”
As the crisis loomed, “we had made a very early decision that we were not going to be recipients of somebody's decisions and actions. Rather, we would contribute and be part of the team making decisions and taking responsibility. The reason was we've been through serious climate events, floods and earthquakes and we have not liked receiving somebody else's decisions that have been wrong.”
See the link for the full article: https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news...