
Revitalising Matariki:

How local councils brought Matariki to the masses in the early 2000s

Since 2000, Auckland City Council (ACC) has been hosting, fostering and supporting events celebrating Matariki.

Over the years the format has changed, the events have improved, attendance has grown, and awareness of what the season means has increased.

“It’s grown,” said Auckland Council’s Matariki Festival Director Ataahua Papa. “But what’s really awesome is that people are focusing on the reason that we’re getting together.”

Auckland’s month-long festival began at the turn of the millennium, it was one of the first regional councils to introduce a Matariki event.

Link to article and videos: https://www.stuff.co.nz/pou-tiaki/122212893/revitalising-matariki-how-local-councils-brought-matariki-to-the-masses-in-the-early-2000s


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