
Oranga Tamariki

‘ignores its own values’

The children’s ministry is accused of abandoning a traumatised former worker. David Williams reports

As happens so often, raw emotion and despair play out in a drab, air-conditioned room dominated by greys and off-whites, under the glare of fluorescent lights.

Last week it was the turn of former Oranga Tamariki employee Bai Zammit-Ross, whose personal grievance was heard by the Employment Relations Authority.

The power of the state was on display – for a beleaguered children’s ministry under heightened scrutiny and whose chief executive has resigned. Two suited senior managers gave evidence at the Christchurch hearing, led by a pair of lawyers from national firm Buddle Findlay who flew in from Wellington.

Zammit-Ross, flanked by her local lawyer and a union secretary, pleaded her case in a floral dress from an opportunity shop. Reminders about what she should say were written on the back of her hand in ballpoint pen.

Link to article: Oranga Tamariki ‘Ignores Its Own Values’ | Newsroom


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