on its way for Tauranga schools
A new project currently in development is establishing a Te Ao Maori Localised Curriculum for all 67 Tauranga Moana schools, early childhood centres and the wider community in partnership with Tauranga Moana Iwi.
The project, called Te Tai Whanake ki Tauranga Moana, will be a first for New Zealand, bringing all Tauranga Moana Iwi and schools together in a unique and enduring way.
The Te Ao Maori Local Curriculum will encompass foundational Te Reo, our Tikanga, stories and history, and will be a tremendous resource for all educational organisations in Tauranga Moana, while also benefiting the wider community by being accessible to all.
The Curriculum will be layered from ECE to Year 13 across many subjects, including history, English, and science, and will also cover protocols such as pepeha and mihi.
It’s something that has been years in the making, starting with efforts over the past four years to strengthen partnerships between iwi and Kahui Ako in our region.
Kahui Ako (Communities of Learning) are groups of education and training providers that form around their students’ education pathway, working together to help students achieve their full potential.
They are established from clusters of schools that are close in geographical location or are grouped by type.
Link to article: SunLive - New Maori program on its way for Tauranga schools - The Bay's News First