of te reo Māori
From being the only Pākehā in a Māori medium course to encouraging others to learn about te reo and te ao through her business Naresha Waa has immersed herself in the language.
Waa, who runs South Canterbury’s Kia Tika te Ara (Correcting the Pathway), said she learnt te reo at a young age.
“I was lucky to have an uncle that was adopted into my mother’s family, who was Māori,’’ Waa said.
“At the time he was learning of his own culture, and from a young age every school holiday we used to go on Māori kids’ camps at marae around the South Island, and I fell in love with the culture.
Link to article and video: Naresha Waa encouraged by the connectedness of te reo Māori | Stuff.co.nz