
Maori tribe tells anti-vaxxers

to stop using haka

The Ngati Toa -- a tribe or iwi in Maori -- is recognised under New Zealand law as the cultural guardian of the Ka Mate haka, which has featured prominently at recent protests against coronavirus-related restrictions.

"Ngati Toa condemns the use of the Ka Mate haka to push and promote anti-Covid-19-vaccination messages," the tribe, based just outside Wellington, said in a statement.

"We insist that protesters stop using our taonga (cultural treasure) immediately."

Maori haka come in many forms but Ka Mate -- which has been performed by the All Blacks ahead of rugby Test matches for more than a century -- is by far the best known.

The foot-stomping, eye-rolling ritual is firmly entrenched in New Zealand culture and is often used at significant social events such as weddings or funerals.

Ka Mate is Ngati Toa's haka, composed by the warrior chief Te Rauparaha around 1820 to celebrate his escape from a rival tribe's pursuing war party. 

Link to article: Maori tribe tells anti-vaxxers to stop using haka (msn.com)


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