
'Children can't live on promises':

New research finds Government's failed to fully implement any key welfare measures

A progress review has found the Government has failed to fully implement any of the 42 key recommendations from the Welfare Expert Advisory Group (WEAG) in three years.

In 2018, the Labour-led Coalition Government convened the WEAG to provide advice on a programme of 'overhaul' for the welfare system.

In February 2019, WEAG's experts delivered their report calling for complete reform of the welfare system. It provided 42 key recommendations and 126 detailed recommendations.

However in the second annual review, the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) has found progress to be "slow, patchy and piecemeal" with 22 key recommendations minimally or partially implemented.

CPAG researchers and report co-authors Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns and Professor Emeritus Innes Asher warn at the pace the Government is moving, it could take "decades" to implement the proposed welfare reforms.

Link to video and article: 'Children can't live on promises': New research finds Government's failed to fully implement any key welfare measures (msn.com)


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