report 'lack of confidence with kaupapa Māori'
The Ministry has 100 agreements with iwi around Treaty settlements and wanted to know how its staff are placed to cope.
In interviews for a survey last year, staff reported they "feel a lack of confidence with kaupapa Māori in general", and also spoke of a lack of resources.
In a separate culture survey this year, only 27 percent of staff said the ministry recognised and rewarded competency in te reo and tikanga.
The statement - "I feel culturally safe doing my job and working with Māori communities" - also gained just 27 percent assent.
One of of the Ministry's underpinning goals for years has been to protect and enhance tikanga, but it does not have any licensed translators or editors, with external translators used to produce bilingual material.
Its annual report showed 19 out of 21 top managers are Pākehā, and it has a significantly greater proportion of Pākehā staff than the public sector average.
Link to article: Ministry for Culture and Heritage staff report 'lack of confidence with kaupapa Māori' | RNZ News