
With or without you, we will sail in both worlds:

50 years on from Māori Language petition

It has been a day of celebration and reflection for those who delivered the Māori Language petition exactly 50 years ago.

The day kicked off with a dawn ceremony at the National Library where mana whenua blessed an exhibition created in its honour.

The exhibition named Tōku Reo, Tōku Ohooho - My Language Is My Awakening included the petition itself, photos and videos.

Te Reo Māori Society member, Dr Rob Pouwhare, felt a mixture of emotions at the exhibition including joy at how far the language had come.

"Things have advanced so quickly, so much is happening and I'm so thrilled that our kids are connecting with the language. Not just our kids, I see many New Zealand kids, Pākehā kids also connecting with the language," Pouwhare said.

Link to article: With or without you, we will sail in both worlds: 50 years on from Māori Language petition | RNZ News


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