
Wayne Brown:

The storm before the storm

Updated: Auckland's new mayor is the kind of politician you can take at face value – if he promises disruption and radical change, it's more than likely to eventuate. Tim Murphy distils what he's promised to do.

Pity the poor road cones.

The mayor-elect of Auckland, Wayne Brown, is coming for them.

And for non-synchronised traffic lights.

And for the directors of all Auckland Council-controlled companies.

And for the high-paid echelons of executives of the Auckland Council.

And for the Ports of Auckland's money – $400m a year to cover the use of the downtown land it occupies.

And for expensive cycleways.

And for the real numbers of a possible '$2 billion' cost blowout of the City Rail Link underground train project.

And for 'Wellington' – ministers, MPs and senior officials will be 'told' what Auckland needs and told to pay up.

Stand by. 

Link to article: Wayne Brown: The storm before the storm (newsroom.co.nz)


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