
No person is an island:

On speaking only te reo Māori in my everyday life

Language is a miracle of nature, evolution, whatever you want to call it. Furthermore, here in Aotearoa, learning te reo is a vital, obviously non-lethal, measure of combat in the war for our whakapapa and culture.

On a personal level it is a way to find completeness, pride, strength and solace during the toughest moments. On a grand scale it adds another drop to the returning tide of our indigenous language. No drop is more important than any other in this tide but all, I suspect, are vital.

It is the fulfilment of a powerful dream in a world with few opportunities left to do anything real.

Link to video and article: No person is an island: On speaking only te reo Māori in my everyday life | Stuff.co.nz


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