
Call for customary rahui over

Parimahu reef area in Central Hawke's Bay

A call for a customary rāhui over the Parimahu reef area in Central Hawke’s Bay produced a lively hui at the Pōrangahau Hall recently.

The Ngāti Kere Hapū Authority (NKHA) called the community-wide hui on Sunday, November 27 after a call from the mana whenua group, Ngāti Kere Tangata Kaitiaki (NKTK) and the whole-of-community group Pōrangahau Taiapure to establish a customary rāhui over the area.

The customary rāhui was proposed as a prelude to a wider inshore fisheries sustainability programme to arrest the depletion of inshore fishery stocks.

Link to article: Call for customary rahui over Parimahu reef area in Central Hawke's Bay (newstalkzb.co.nz)


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