5th International Indigenous Voices in Social Work Conference

We attended the 5th International Indigenous Voices In Social Work Conference (IIVSWC) in Taiwan in August 2019. The aim was to share experiences on identifying, analyzing, and implementing effective practice strategies with indigenous communities. Students, social workers, community members, researchers, educators, administrators and policymakers and together to discuss these issues. Now, we are going to build on the knowledge and develop the empowerment approaches to heal, reconcile and transform to meet the demands toward promoting indigenous well-being.
You are welcome to download our presentation titled "HEALING, RECONCILIATION, AND TRANSFORMATION: APPROACHES TOWARD PROMOTING INDIGENOUS WELL BEING" from this conference along with the keynote address.
Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei Symposium

In February and March of this year we were able to be a part of the Symposium that was organised by Shannon Pakura of Barnardos, supported by the Social Workers Registration Board and the Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers.
The Symposium was held in Whanganui-a-tara (Wellington) and Otautahi (Christchurch) respectively, with attendees coming from not only social work but as well, other disciplines involved in the provision of social services.
With the permission of each presenter, the video links are provided to add to your kete matauranga:
Kia ora koutou katoa!
21 MARCH 2023
Carola Tana Tepania and Miriama Scott presented on behalf of the Association.
Titled: Spheres of Influence: Raising the Indigenous Voice to Action in Social Work